Friday, April 23, 2010

Monday Morning Artists - just what you need on a Monday

I understand that there are a group of local artists that meet every Monday morning, and paint. NO they don’t paint each other OR paint collectively one one canvas, but what they do is come together for companionship and just paint. If they talk, that is okay, and if they don’t, that is okay. They may ask each others opinion about colours, technique, subject matter or talk about nothing to do with the art at all. How was your weekend? How are your kids? What are you going to do for your summer vacation? How about those Leafs?

Isn’t that an amazing thing? You know, the life of an artist could very well be a very lonely one. A very singular occupation, unless you make yourself get into a social setting. I would imagine, so much more can get accomplished if you are on your own, focusing on what story you want to tell with strokes on a canvas. But there are times when you need to hear the sound of anothers breathing, sighing and maybe laughter. Or just sense someone beside you.

AND once a year they also put together a show of their pieces.

Artists of Uxbridge Art Show and Sale – held on Saturday, April 24th and Sunday, April 25th from 10 – 4. It will be held at the Museum School House on concession 6 just outside of Uxbridge.

REMEMBER that a number of these artists will also be participating in the Uxbridge Studio Tour during the Uxbridge Celebration of the Arts in September. ART ART ART - no excuse in Uxbridge why each of us shouldn't have an original art piece in our home.

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