Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas music overdrive ....

There are many things that distinguish one community from another, and there definitely does needs to be something to stand out.
I really have to smile, because all I can think about is a "Corner Gas" episode where they are trying to get the 'biggest something' to get tourists and people to come to there town, and all they could come up with was a big hoe - YES, that is what I said - a BIG HOE! so very funny.

However, one of the things that makes Uxbridge community so special is the number of choir/chorale groups that they have within this town. There are the church choirs, school choirs, small groups and I don't want to miss them but there are too many to even remember - and remember I am so much older it is hard to remember what I am supposed to remember.
But there are wonderfully skilled and entertaining groups, many performing over this upcoming Christmas time all over the place.

Just last night, December 3rd, Belle Nove performed at the Pine Grove Christmas service under the direction of Jennifer Neveu-Cook. This is a group of 10 young ladies who are studying voice in the RCM program.

December 4th, Monday Morning Singers under the direction of Anne Mizen, will be performing Christmas songs. Within the program will be Kenneth Welsh reading Christmas poems. This will be held at St. Pauls Anglican Church in Uxbridge. MMS are a group of ladies that just love to sing - most pieces are SSAA split, and the harmonies are wonderful.

December 11th and 12th - One Voice, directed by Charles White, will be performing with special guest Uxbridge Youth Choir (again under the leadership of Jennifer Neveu-Cook) at St. Pauls Anglican church. The program is called Sounds of the Season.

Sunday December 13th, the Uxbridge Chamber Choir, under Thomas Baker, will be entertaining "A Christmas Carol" - a program of songs and a dramatic reading of Charles Dickens wonderful story. Special guests include CBC Host Michael Enright. This can be seen at Trinity United Church on 1st Avenue.

WOWEEE!! there really is a great reason to Celebrate the art of singing in Uxbridge.

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